Advocating for Justice and Peace
Through action, education and prayer, the Justice and Peace Office offers a concrete, explicit expression of the Congregation’s Directional Statement:
to live non-violently, to work to transform structures that promote violence; to affirm the dignity of persons and to be attuned to how all of creation lives and moves and has its being in God.
Your gift to the Justice and Peace Fund not only supports our vital and urgent work in a divisive world, but also ensures the causes that you care most about become part of a larger collective voice for justice and peace.
We are visible on many public fronts in Western Pennsylvania especially focusing on, but not limited to:
- addressing racism and white privilege
- working to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against immigrants
- furthering sustainability and tending to our ecological system which has been increasingly damaged as a result of climate change and pollution/contamination
- working to end human trafficking through education and awareness.
In addition to advancing the Catholic values of human dignity and care for creation, our Sisters never lose sight of individuals who are impacted by social injustice. Our Neighbors in Need program is a small, but important component of our Justice and Peace Ministry, because it provides a responsible way for us to share our own resources with our dear neighbors who are suffering hardships due to unique circumstances.
Your gift to the Justice and Peace Fund is an investment in our Sisters’ ongoing education in the areas of current and emerging social justice issues and in advocacy initiatives such as workshops and outreach efforts. Through these efforts, our Sisters carry the Gospel message of social justice values to our neighbors, corporate leaders and government decision-makers. Your gift also will make a difference in the lives of our dear Neighbors in Need.