Season of Creation: Take the Laudato Si' Pledge to Care for Our Common Home

Each year, beginning on the World Day of Prayer for Creation, September 1, and continuing through the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4, we join with our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer and action to, as Pope Francis writes in his Encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si’, “cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation.”

This work is more urgent than ever, as our planet reels from a pandemic-driven surge in waste and our local waterways, soil, and air quality suffer from the extraction of natural resources, pollution from industry, and a flood of single-use plastics.

“Everyone’s talents and involvement are needed to redress the damage caused by human abuse of God’s creation,” Pope Francis says, which is why we’re asking you to join us in pledging to weave the principles and spirit of the Laudato Si Action Platform into your daily actions – both as an individual, and as an important part of your community (at work, in your spiritual home, and on your block).

As Sisters of St. Joseph, we are “attuned to how all of creation lives and moves and has its being in God.” We believe in a “sacramental universe” of wondrous diversity – a gift of God that requires our care and respect. We believe that God entrusts these resources to us so that we may nurture and sustain them for our dear neighbors now and into the future.

If you share these beliefs, and are ready to act with us to care for our common home, take the pledge!

I unite with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden during this Season of Creation to:

LEARN about the seven components of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and begin weaving them in to my everyday actions and conversations;

ENGAGE with the Sisters’ Sustainability Committee by sharing information on sustainable practices with my neighbors; and

MOTIVATE others to act by making simple but meaningful lifestyle changes that protect our planet.

I believe that together, we can create a future “in harmony with creation.”

Take the Laudato Si' Pledge
Maybe you’ve made a rain garden at home, or installed a solar panel? Perhaps you and friends do a monthly litter cleanup or attend advocacy meetings about local concerns like the cracker plant. Whatever your positive eco action is, we want to know about it! Please include a photo if you have one!
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