Walking Alongside Our Sisters
The CSJ Association is a group of approximately 100 Christian women and men who embrace our mission of unity and reconciliation.
Rooted in the richness of prayer, Associate members commit themselves by formal promise to be associated with the Sisters of St. Joseph.
They meet regularly in small faith communities, responding to a deep desire to grow in relationship with God and with one another and to embody a spirit of union in their lives. Sisters and Associates connect with one another through community meetings and events and also through the Prayer Partner Project, which was created to nurture deeper spiritual bonds.
The Association conducts a formation program, which includes an annual weekend retreat. A series of orientation sessions are offered each year to provide Associates with an ever-deepening sense of our spirit and spirituality. They are also able to explore our Charism, History, Consensus Statement, Maxims of Perfection and Directional Statement to deepen their spirituality.
Associate members are partners in mission with the Sisters and with God. Membership is open to both men and women who want to share in the prayers and good works of the Sisters of St. Joseph.
For more information, contact:
Judy Lewis, CSJA