Sowing Seeds of Love

We are so blessed and thankful to steward, share, and celebrate the many gifts of creation through our annual farm-to-table fundraiser, Faith. Field. Feast. and through the work of our Ecology ministry, which it helps to fund.

During a beautiful evening on our grounds, our guests got to visit our chickens as they enjoyed their new, more spacious “run” lovingly constructed by local youth from TRAILS Ministries with help from our staff; tour the new “grow room” at the barn, equipped with LED lights, shelving, and a heater that allows us to nurture seedlings before the ground outside has thawed, starting the growing season strong; visit Trinity House Retreat Center, the renovated farmhouse on our grounds open to people of all faiths seeking a deeper connection with God and neighbor; and of course, enjoy the company of one another and the joy of uniting in shared purpose.

Thank you to each of our dear friends, sponsors, and supporters who joined us to help build a more just and loving world. Together, we raised just over $50,000!

With Gratitude to Our Dinner Sponsor:

With Gratitude to Our Printing Sponsor:

With Gratitude to Our Sustaining Sponsors:

Donald and Becky Kretschmann

Dennis and Regina Stover

With gratitude to our local small business friends donating their time and products to our guests!

With Gratitude to Our Harvester Sponsors:

In Memory of Bob Mazur

Donald and Becky Kretschmann

Concordia Lutheran Ministries

Universal Information
Systems, Inc.

Highmark Blue Cross
Blue Shield

With Gratitude to Our Seed Sower Sponsors:

BKG Industries, Inc.
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
Debo Moving & Storage
FourM Consulting, Inc.
Romaine Jesky-Smith
Lucci Kitchen and Bath
Maher Duessel
Leo and Evelyn Pohl
Robert W. Riordan
Sarver Landscape Maintenance Co.
S.E. Eshbaugh – General Contractors
TREK Development Group
Trinity Restoration Services
Dr. R. Curtis Waligura
Lois J. Wendel

With Gratitude to Our Beekeeper Patrons:

Daniel Aloe
Tom and Patricia Crotty
Christine Didio
Michele Fagan
Jennifer and Joseph MacNeil
Dave and Erin Ninehouser
Med Fast Pharmacy
Mark and Margaret Rentler
Mykelle and Scott Thompson-Graves

With Gratitude to Our Flock Tender Patrons:

Robert and Arleen Barth
Victoria Crowley
Ronald and Ellen Fleming
Pastors Janet and Keith Grill
Karen and Brian Hannon
Diane Kaminski
Allie Mooney
Josephine Moore
Mary Pacey
David Parrendo
Samuel and Judith Spanos
Thomas and Carla Welte

With Gratitude to Our Gardener Patrons:

Andrew Bosh
Lois Campbell
Harry and Peggy Gaughan
Linda Hamerski-Wichmann
Stephen and Barbara Hecht
Maureen Joyce
Diane Kaminski
Loretta Martella
Terri Martin
Allie Mooney
David Parrendo
John Ragan
Susan and Stephen Steward
Dave and Rose
Kathleen Washy
Thomas and Carla Welte

If you were unable to attend or support
Faith. Field. Feast. this year, please know that any gift in any amount at any time throughout the year is significant and impactful in helping us make a difference in our world!

Ecology Ministry Fosters Curiosity and Connection to Earth

Rooted in love and fueled by the generosity of our supporters, the Sisters’ Ecology Ministry is an invitation to deeper relationship – with God, with all creation, and with one another.

We were delighted to welcome our friends and campus neighbors from Provident Charter School West, a school for elementary-age children with dyslexia, for an afternoon of fun and learning with Sister Lyn Szymkiewicz, our resident beekeeper.

Together, they took apart a bee box and learned about the function and value of each piece in creating a safe and hospitable home for the hive and its queen. The students considered questions ranging from why pollinators are important for our food system to how bees carry pollen from one plant to another as they tried on the gear needed to protect oneself while caring for the bees.

Fostering the students’ natural curiosity, Sister Lyn shared her experiences as a beekeeper and invited the students to tour our on-site apiary to get a closer look at the hives, which each contain between 40,000 to 60,000 bees! This kind of hands-on, educational programming is a hallmark of our Ecology Ministry and available to people of all ages who want to learn more about our natural world and be inspired to become better stewards of it. It’s one of many ways we are working to sow seeds of love for future generations. You can help nurture the roots of this positive impact by supporting our annual farm-to-table celebration, Faith. Field. Feast., as a patron or attendee. Proceeds from the dinner support our Ecology Ministry and programming like this!  Buy tickets or become a Beekeeper patron.
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