Advance good works until they are almost finished; and then, whenever possible, let them be completed by someone else who will receive the honor. -Maxim 85 The Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden announced April 26, 2018, that they have closed on the sale of Villa St. Joseph to Concordia Lutheran … [Read more...]
Statement on Common Sense Gun Measures
As our nation continues to recover from the tragic mass shooting in Parkland and prepares for the next one with training, drills and simulations, the words of Pope Francis to the U.S. Congress in September 2015 resonate with us: “Why are deadly weapons being sold to those who plan to inflict … [Read more...]
Sisters participate in community vigil for Parkland
We stood with nearly 100 of our neighbors in Ambridge on February 25 to honor the Parkland students and pray for the safety of our children. Sister Mary Pellegrino offered the closing prayer, saying “may the hopes and the dreams of our children transform our own fears and our own hate into … [Read more...]
Sisters contribute 105 acres to Laurel Ridge State Park
As part of our mission to care for all of Creation, we partnered with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to contribute 105 acres of land to Laurel Ridge State Park. “The Sisters of St. Joseph are grateful for this opportunity to partner with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy,” says … [Read more...]
Sister Patti Rossi talks about experiences as a missionary
Sister Patti Rossi, Director of the Altoona-Johnstown Mission Office, was the guest on the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese TV program "Proclaim" on Sunday, December 17. Sister Patti talked with Bishop Mark Bartchak about her experiences as a missionary. The episode is below and Sister Patti’s section … [Read more...]